
Hope For Mankind charity has been set up to provide aid and Emergency Relief to the poor and needy around the Globe. Promoting Education for all, Provide basic needs, such as food, clean water, clothes, educational materials.

“Don’t feel ashamed when giving little for charity; that is because there is always goodness in giving no matter how little.”
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA)

Mission and Visions

Eradicating poverty is not a distant dream, but one we can realistically achieve. Hope For Mankind believes that poverty continues to exist as a result of choices made over time about how societies should be organised and that by working together, we can choose differently – individually and collectively – if we wish.

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Our Aims & Values

Hope for Mankind is a Muslim relief and development charity working to make immediate and lasting improvements to the lives of people affected by poverty, war and disaster. They believe that the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.

Hope For Mankind is working in many parts of the world to bring change that eradicates the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality.

Hope For Mankind provides urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the root effects of poverty as well as its root causes.

“Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded.”
[Quran 75:10]

Hope For Mankind lives by the following values:

We believe that the lives of all human beings are of equal value;

We affirm the dignity, potential and contribution of participants, donors, partners, staff and volunteers.

We act consistently with our mission, being honest and transparent in what we do and say;

We work together effectively to serve the larger community;

We constantly challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance to achieve greater impact. mutual respect, requiring us to recognise the innate worth of all people diversity equity and justice, requiring us to work to ensure equal opportunity to everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, colour, class, ethnicity, disability, location and religion honest and transparency, being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of our actions and open in our judgements and communications with others solidarity with the poor, powerless and excluded will be the only bias in our commitment to the fight against poverty courage of conviction, requiring us to be creative and radical, bold and innovative – without fear of failure – in pursuit of making the greatest possible impact on the causes of poverty independence from any religious or party-political affiliation humility in our presentation and behaviour, recognising that we are part of a wider alliance against poverty.